CompliCare delivers Residential Aged Care Providers with multiple homes complete transparency and oversight across policy, staff compliance training, compliance actions, data capture and reporting.
CompliCare provides the policies, procedures, training, and tools you need to meet the Standards and demonstrate continuous compliance across multiple facilities.
Gain accuracy and flexibility at all levels with a simple click. It's never been easier for your head office to deliver correct and updated policy content direct to individual homes that can be contextualised to their needs and specific requirements.
No need for multiple systems, with CompliCare, all data is captured and maintained in a single point to delivering unparalleled reporting capability.
> Confidence that multiple staff within a home can handle an assessor contact
> A full suite of jurisdictional specific policies and procedures that are kept up-to-date with changes in the law and best practice and distributed from a central platform.
> Staff compliance training via a state-of-the-art learning platform where you can manage all staff learning, including bespoke company training and third-party training
> Powerful, single-point data capture, reporting and benchmarking tools to enhance oversight and better decision making across the organisation
> Enhanced visibility and identification of trends from a central point across individual homes.
With You Every Step of the Way
Best-practice content is kept up-to-date with changes in law by the CompliCare team of experts ready for Providers to review, approve and distribute. Our team of consultants have a wealth of industry experience to create a compliance culture your workforce will embrace.
Request a conversation today, to see how CompliCare can help your staff focus less on compliance and more on what they do best…care.
CompliSpace helps under-resourced organisations in highly-regulated industries get their governance, risk, compliance and policy management right, so that they can focus on their core business with confidence.
Our specialty is helping organisations manage new Standards and the outcomes from Royal Commissions.
We work with residential aged care facilities of all sizes - from a single facility with 24 beds to residential aged care providers with multiple homes.
Click here to learn more about CompliSpace.
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