Ideagen Aged Care Workforce Report 2023
Australia’s ambitious aged care reform agenda is facing a harsh reality check.
In the wake of the Royal Commission, the Australian Government put aged care reform at the top of its agenda. The last few years have seen a flurry of planning, budgeting and legislating.
Aged care workers are the frontline witnesses to the reality of how such reforms, so laudable on paper, are faring in practice. This Reality Check: Workers’ Views on the Impossibilities of Aged Care report reveals a stark gap between the well-intentioned ideals of our aged care reform agenda, and the alarming reality.

What's in the Report?
We surveyed more than 700 aged care workers across Australia to get a snapshot of the state of the sector in 2023 and beyond.
The report betters our understanding of industry challenges and sparks discussions on how we can enhance and maintain aged care, nationwide.

Who's behind the report
Ideagen is committed to the safety and sustainability of regulated industries worldwide. From the front line to the boardroom, our solutions provide clarity and confidence, transforming risk into resilience. We combine deep regulatory expertise with innovation to support the safe hands and trusted voices protecting our community.
Our CompliSpace solution helps residential aged care and home care providers of all sizes in Australia to meet their governance, risk, compliance and policy management obligations. We also provide solutions across the education, not-for-profit and corporate and financial services sectors.
Ideagen is also the publisher behind Aged Care Essentials (ACE), a free weekly online publication focused on helping Aged Care Providers understand their ever-changing and ever-increasing regulatory and compliance obligations.