What school leaders and teachers need to know about managing excursion risk.
Webinar 1: School Excursions, a Risky but Essential Business
Webinar 2: The Issues and Complexity of Managing Excursion Risk
Webinar 3: How is Your School Currently Managing Its Excursion Process?
Webinar 4: What does ‘Best Practice’ Excursion Risk Management look like?
The following webinar recordings are available now. Simply complete the form at the bottom of this page to access recordings immediately.
This 80-minute webinar provides an introduction to excursion risk management. Presented by three former school leaders and school compliance experts, you’ll learn:
Jonathan is a Senior Governance Risk and Compliance Consultant working with CompliSpace school clients. He has more than 10 years’ experience in the school sector as a teacher, compliance and legal adviser and more recently as a Business Manager. Jonathan has been a solicitor for nearly 30 years and worked in both private practice and community legal centres.
Craig is the National Education Lead at CompliSpace. He began his education career in 1983 and has taught in a number of non-government schools including Catholic, PSA, Anglican and Greek Orthodox schools. He spent 22 years as a Deputy Principal and Principal and five years as the Industrial Officer at the Association of Independent Schools of WA.
Deanne is a Project Manager/Consultant for School Compliance in Melbourne. Deanne has a varied education-based background which includes 7 years teaching in the UK and independent boys’ education in Melbourne. Her most recent senior leadership position was as Director of Programs and Activities where her portfolio consisted of areas such as co-curricular programming (e.g. sport and music) as well as excursions and Outdoor Education.
Ian joined CompliSpace after implementing PolicyPlus, CompliLearn and Assurance at a school where he was Deputy Principal/Head of Secondary School. His career in education has included roles in teaching (English and History), Boarding, Head of Faculty, Enrolments and Marketing, Director of Curriculum, and Deputy.